Thursday, December 17, 2020

My Book Review of MY SHADOW IS PINK

My Shadow is PinkMy Shadow is Pink by Scott Stuart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

*What a wonderful story of empowerment and unconditional love!*

I learned about this book from my daughter. She asked me to purchase it for my granddaughters, telling me she read it and loved it. Then, when she received it, I read it... and loved it. It is a marvelous tale about being true to who you are and of being loved as you are. That is such an important message for ALL our children - for adults, too!
I really like that it doesn't make it about any particular anything. It talks about people just being people, liking what others may not expect, but still being okay. What a great thing to tell our young - it is okay to be unique; everyone is special in some way, so be proud of what makes you YOU!

View all my reviews

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