Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Did You Know?

Kathleen O'Neal Gear & K.S. Jones

Two amazing American authors are actually sisters!
Kathleen O'Neal Gear and K.S Jones are both acclaimed writers.
Each has award-winning novels in Historical Fiction though they write in different disciplines.  

Kathleen O'Neal Gear

Kathleen has published over 60+ bestsellers as an individual or co-author with her husband, W. Michael Gear.  Her titles have sold more than 17 million copies and have been translated in at least 29 languages.  And, she shows no signs of slowing.

Kathleen is best known for her Historical Fiction series, North America's Forgotten Past, but she is acclaimed for far more.  A trained historian and archaeologist, this scholar has been recognized twice by the U.S. government, receiving the federal "Special Achievement Award" for her outstanding management of our nation's cultural heritage.  In 2015, Kathleen was given a "Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition" from the U.S. Congress and was honored by the State of California, who said, "The contributions of Kathleen O'Neal Gear to the fields of history, archaeology and writing have been invaluable."

Learn more about Kathleen O'Neal Gear in this BLOG SPOTLIGHT.

K.S. Jones

Karen has written a young adult historical novel, SHAWDOW OF THE HAWK, and a middle grade sci-fi/fantasy, BLACK LIGHTNING.  Both of which have received several awards, including 2015 Chaucer Award, 2016 WILLA Literary Award, 2016 RONE Award, and 2015 & 2017 Literary Classics International Book Awards.  In addition, she is also an active member of writing organizations, such as Women's Fiction Writers Association and the Historical Novel Society, to name a few.

Learn more about K.S. Jones in this AUTHOR INTERVIEW

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