WIPS and New Releases

Friday, August 4, 2017

Joseph Mulak's New Release, LITTLE ANGELS

WIPs and New Releases

1)      Tell us about your work-in-progress, or WIP, as it’s known as in the industry or New Release…
Ø  What is the story about?
·   Basically, Little Angels is the story of a man who has lost everything he loves and returns to his favourite childhood place, intending to commit suicide. But, then, he keeps seeing and hearing these strange kids around the cottage where he’s staying, and curiousity gets the better of him.
Ø  Who is the main character?
·   The main character’s name is Gary Becker. Gary’s just a normal guy who has finally hit his breaking point.
2)     What inspired this tale?
Ø  How did the story come to you?
·   When I was 12 or 14, we had a family reunion in Nova Scotia, which is where my dad’s from. We stayed in these cottages right on ocean. Overlooking the ocean, up on this cliff, was a small cemetery that looked really old and rundown. I saw my dad up there one morning, checking out the graves, so I went up too and noticed every single person buried there was under 12. It was that memory that inspired Little Angels, and the description of the cottages and cemetery are pretty much exactly as I remember them. Except, I changed the name of the place to one I made up.
Ø  Did you have to research for this novel, and if so, why?
·   I had to do some research on miscarriages since I don’t know much about it and I wanted to make sure the information the doctor told Gary was accurate.
Ø  If you did research, what do you think surprised you most to learn, and why?
·   I didn’t really find anything surprising. It was very dry medical stuff, and a lot of it was things I knew, but wanted to confirm for the sake of accuracy.
3)     Do you relate to your character?
Ø  Is your protagonist anything like you personally?
·   Maybe a little bit. I think part of me shows up in most of my protagonists.
Ø  If yes, then how?
·   A lot of my depression went into Gary. I was going through a huge bout of depression when I wrote the story, so that became a major part of it.
Ø  What made you write this character; what made them important to you or made you want to tell their story?
·   Again, Gary’s depression helped me relate to him, and I thought this particular story was too compelling to let go.
4)    Is there anything you specifically want readers to know about this piece of work?
I don’t think there’s anything specific. Just that, in some way, this is a very personal story to me, but in other ways, it is not a reflection of me at all. Gary’s views are not necessarily my own.
5)     When will the novel be available for purchase?
The story was put up for sale today on Amazon and Smashwords
Ø  Do you have a link available for buying it?
·   You can get it from Smashwords for any reading device at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/437638
·   Or directly for your Kindle from Amazon at: http://mybook.to/little-angels (this link goes directly to the appropriate Amazon site for the individual’s country

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