WIPS and New Releases

Monday, July 17, 2017

Stephen Bentley's character, STEVE REGAN!


1.      Who are you?
o   What is your name?
·   Steve Regan, but make sure you pronounce it right – Raygan not Reegan.
o   Are you a fictional or historical character?
·   Fictional.
o   What should we know about you?
·   I’m a British undercover cop who has infiltrated a major drug cartel.
2.      Tell us about your story:
o   When and where is your tale set?
·   It is set in the late 1970’s in London, England mostly, but there is some action in Miami.
o   What is your personal goal?  I mean, what do you ultimately want?
·   To be rid of petty police bureaucracy and earn big money.
o   What is standing in your way?  What conflict(s) do you face?
·   My moral dilemma. Shall I go “rogue” for the sake of riches because that would mean drug dealing and shame if caught. The stakes are high, but the temptations are real.
3.      How do I get a copy of your book?
o   What is the title or working title for this piece?
·   Sixth Sense.
o   Is it available now or when can we expect to see it released?
·   Hopefully, by October 2017.

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