Saturday, September 12, 2015

My Book Review of THE CLAYTON CHRONICLES: Horror Tales of the Undead

The Clayton Chronicles: Horror Tales of the UndeadThe Clayton Chronicles: Horror Tales of the Undead by Edwin Stark
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Deeper Story Than Just vampires!
My best friend gifted me this book and I wasn't sure what to expect when I started to read it. Right off the bat, I can say I loved the use of language. I felt the author used insightful words that helped to bring his tale to life for me in a deeper fashion. His choice of verbiage was in and of itself quite descriptive, adding to the overall feel and quality of the story for me. This was beautifully written and I liked the pace and style in which the author unfolded the narrative. I was floored learning that the author is not a native English speaker!
The characters were fascinating. I really enjoyed Sherwin and I loved the friendship between Sherwin & Clayton. The depiction of the anal retentive coroner made me giggle and added to the chemistry of the protagonists. Some of the characters were dark and devious, but it fit the plot perfectly, making an accurate portrayal of evil and horror.
I found I was fascinated by the authors version of vampires, but more so, of his descriptions of believers. His was a new take on things for me and one that added to the overall story. It made the characters more real and the added a new layer to the throng of vampire lore out there - faith! The introduction of the priest lent more intrigue and complexity. Very well done!
I definitely recommend this book. If you are into vampires, the battles between good & bad, horror, crime, or just good drama then this is a book you must read!

View all my reviews


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