Tuesday, January 19, 2016

My Book Reviews for Novels 1-4 of the Peoples Books

North America's Forgotten Past
The First North Americans
Written by
Kathleen O'Neal Gear and W. Michael Gear

People of the Wolf (North America's Forgotten Past, #1)People of the Wolf by W. Michael Gear
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The start of a literary journey that changed my life!
This novel started me on a journey that changed my life. It drew me in and forever linked me to the historical fiction genre and the Gear's work. They have helped to educate me about Native American culture while entertaining me. This book is fantastic and I loved it! I love how it is interlinked through the whole The First North Americans series and how well it brings history to life!

People of the Fire (North America's Forgotten Past)People of the Fire by Kathleen O'Neal Gear
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A respectful presentation of Native American Beliefs wrapped in an exciting tale!
When I read book 1 of this series, PEOPLE OF THE WOLF, I was hooked. Picking up PEOPLE OF THE FIRE just ensnared me more! I have never read a book series so deep and compelling; so rich and complete.
I am a huge fan of historical fiction and loving archaeology, I was initially drawn to this tale. The Native American culture, which is so respectfully presented in this book (and the entire series), fascinated me. I am amazed by the detail of the story and how beautifully it is linked to verifiable facts from history. I love how the Native American beliefs and lore are expanded in this book, building on book 1 (though each book can stand lone and can be read out of order). I was happier to have a better understand of The One and the Spiral. I found this story very educational in relationship to Spirit Bundles and it helped give me the foundation of the cultural believes of many Native American tribes.

People of the Earth (North America's Forgotten Past, #3)People of the Earth by W. Michael Gear
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Richer Look Into Our Past!
One of the things that I love about this book series is that it is both educational and highly entertaining. It has a depth that allows the authors to bring history to life, allowing modern man to relate to their ancestors from long ago.
The complex characters represent all aspects of the human psyche. They show the good, the bad, and the ugly. Still, my favorite thing about them is that it doesn't matter if they are male or female, visually handsome or somehow broken; it's about the heart of the person. Of course, it was nice to have a female heroine - girl power! LOL Still, it was nice to see that it was the love of an unexpected soul that helped to keep the Dreamer grounded!
Though each book in this series can be read as a stand alone or even out of sequence, I love how each book enriches the next. I enjoyed seeing a deeper view of my Native American ancestors and how early man survived in the untamed world of North America. Excellent story!

People of the River (North America's Forgotten Past, #4)People of the River by W. Michael Gear
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Historical fiction that hits home!
Having grown up on the shores of the Mississippi, I felt I could really relate to the Peoples of this story. Having a love of history and having a rich heritage of trappers and traders in my home town, the rivers are major highways and the cities that become transportation hubs for trade seemed normal. I was not surprised by the rich society that had been Cahokia. Having seen the actual archaeological site only made this story more real to me. I realize this a beautiful rendition of historical fiction, but it is spot on for bringing the real understands of the past - what made it great and also what tore it apart - rich and lively.
Again, I was moved by the characters in the story. I absolutely love NIghtshade - she is one of my favorite characters from this entire book series. Badgertail is also one of my favorites. I feel for their struggles and I resent the Sun Chief, not only for his selfishness and cruelty, but for making so many people do things they wouldn't normally do. Having been in the military, I understand the necessity of following orders, but it doesn't always make them right and sometimes it conflicts with your own beliefs.
I love the lore of the Native American religion and mythology. I love the deeper understanding I find with each book in the amazing series. I think it is a must read for anyone who loves history, but also for every American. This is our past and the Gears make the lessons of the past just as valid for our modern society!

View all my reviews


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